


I am officially on vacay at mom and pop's house for 2 weeks! I could not be more excited!

Yes, we pulled into the drive promptly at 7:18, with Big Star to go! Oh, how I have craved thee. Of course, as usual, shortly after consuming my grilled cheese, fries, and 2 jalapeno poppers (with ranch), I developed an excruciating stomach ache. It persists. Ah, vacation.
I was also so excited to be home that I already gave my dad his father's day card (one of those "talking cards" with Tom Hanks and a quote from 'A League of Their Own'.. I've been trying to locate the VHS all night. No luck.)
(swoon swoon swoon)

And finally, as I near the end of a great book, Youth In Revolt, I must confess my infatuation with Nick Twisp. We both appear to have a unexplainable love of robots. And finally, after years of searching for an appropriate answer to the question "why robots?" I can now quote NT in saying "It just feels right."
(swooning a little more.. or a lot more, whatev)

1 comment:

  1. 1) Can't wait until I get to go to Big Star. Fattening food, HERE I COME!
    2) i LOVE tom hanks. More like Tom Hunk. wow that was bad. i'm sorry.
    3) have you finished it yet?!? i'm glad that you enjoyed nicky twisp as much as i did. if there's one thing in this world i love, it's awkward/nerdy/hilarious teenage boys!!! (that statement isn't completely true. there are other things in the world i love more)
