
Planes, Trains, and Canes.

Officially, I have a new bike. Yes, it is Mom's, but she's willing to hand it over and find herself a new one since its what I really want. Hooray! Two bike rides in the past two days! Woop! She's a bute, but she will need a little spiffing up/TLC.

Lenny is also movin' on up! He has a new, gigantic house! At first he was a bit shy, but he is finally settling in like a true champ.

[pictures to follow soon.. for both!]

And now, in a few short days, I will be trailin' the train rails back to the Windy City for some Shedd Aquarium visiting! I have seen most of the sites to see in Chicago throughout my life, but somehow this one has slipped through the cracks! But, finally, I will get to smile and wave to all the baby belugas, sharks, and sea turtles!
And if I'm really lucky, I will soon be back at my beloved Disney World to see the BEST musical ever. Yeah, I have the soundtrack on my iPod. What?

1 comment:

  1. Omg I didnt even know finding nemo was a musical!
    From the photograph it looks awesome!
